Adding text boxes

You can add text boxes using the Text Tool to create text-only objects that you can move and resize independently from other objects. You can manipulate text boxes just like any other object, such as move, resize, and rotate them.

1. In the toolbar, click the Text Tool A button button.

2. Click anywhere in the drawing canvas and, when a flashing cursor appears, start typing.

Tip:  To define the width of your text bow, in the drawing canvas, draw a box and, when a flashing cursor appears, start typing.

Text automatically wraps at the end of a line to remain within the box you drew. If you enter more lines than fit in the box, the text extends above and below the borders of the text box.

text box with text typed in it

3. To edit the text inside the text box, double-click on it. A flashing cursor appears, indicating you can edit the text.