Minimum requirements

Web browsers

Gliffy Online is supported and was tested on the latest version and immediately previous version of the following web browsers:

  • *Google Chrome
  • *Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Apple Safari (Mac OS X)
  • Opera

*We recommend using Chrome or Firefox for the best user experience. We do not support beta versions of browsers.

We do not guarantee that Gliffy will work with browser extensions that modify the behavior of the browser, such as ad blockers

Operating systems

Gliffy Online is supported on the following operating systems:

  • Windows 10
  • Mac OS X (all versions supported by Apple)

Screen resolution

The lowest resolution that Gliffy supports is 1024 x 768 pixels. The application will start in lower resolutions, but the shape libraries will become difficult to access. You can work around this issue by clicking More Shapes button at the bottom of the shape library and deselecting those shape libraries you do not need.