Uninstall and reinstall Gliffy
If you need to uninstall and reinstall Gliffy, perform the following steps.
1. Go to Manage Apps, expand the Gliffy App, and click Uninstall to uninstall the Gliffy for Confluence plugin.
2. Stop and shut down Confluence.
3. Delete (or move away) the following directories:
- <confluence-home>/plugin-cache
- <confluence-home>/plugins-osgi-cache
- <confluence-home>/plugins-temp
These directories are automatically recreated when you restart Confluence.
4. Delete the Gliffy plugin from the database by executing this query:
DELETE FROM plugindata WHERE pluginkey = 'com.gliffy.integration.confluence';
5. Delete the Gliffy plugin license from the database by executing this query:
DELETE FROM bandana WHERE bandanakey like 'com.gliffy%';
6. Clear your browser cache (to remove any HTML/Javascript files that may be cached from a previous install).
7. Restart Confluence.
8. Reinstall Gliffy in Manage Apps and re-enter your license key (see Installing Gliffy manually).