Switching accounts

If you have multiple Gliffy online accounts under the same email address, you can switch between them. From the top-right corner, click the profile icon profile silhouette icon > Switch Accounts.

Your last account selection becomes the default when you log into Gliffy Online again. Repeat this step to switch back to the other account.

Moving diagrams between your accounts

If you have more than one Gliffy account, you may want to move a diagram from one account to another. You do this by opening the diagram that you want to move in your first account, and then exporting that diagram to your computer in the Gliffy format (see Exporting diagrams). You can export diagrams only for paid Gliffy accounts. Then, switch to your other Gliffy account and import your diagram into your other account (see Importing diagrams).

Note:  If your diagram includes comments, they are not exported and will not appear on imported diagrams.