Exporting diagrams

Important:  Exporting diagrams in PNG, JPG or SVG format requires a paid Gliffy account (see Changing your plan). All account types can export in .GLIFFY format.

You can export your Gliffy diagrams in PNG, JPG, or SVG format for use in other applications. You can also export your diagram in a Gliffy format which enables you to import it in another instance of Gliffy (see Importing diagrams) . Exported diagrams are saved in your web browser's default download folder.

If Gliffy is the default location where your diagrams are saved, exported diagrams are saved in your web browser's default download folder. If you are linked to Google Drive and it is your default location where your diagrams are saved, exported diagrams are also saved there (see Linking to Google Drive).

Note:  If your diagram includes comments, they are not exported and will not appear when the diagram is imported.

1. From the File menu, click Export. The Export window opens.

2. Select the export format.

3. If you choose the PNG or JPG format, select the image size.

4. If you choose the Gliffy format and you are not yet on a paid account, click Subscribe Today to upgrade your plan.

5. Click Export. Your file is saved in your operating system's default download location.